Thursday, September 25, 2014

Blindian or Indiack???

This particular situation I'm going to describe is something not entirely too major. It is more about what kind of different ways my views have changed in relation to society today. Let me offer a briefly extended background of my upbringing. Nothing to in detail, yet, but you can get an understanding of the foundation I was brought up on. I grew up in Minot, North Dakota. I was actually born on the air force base near by and grew up in an even smaller town known as Ruthville, home to a gas station, a hooters, and a pizza hut. I then relocated to the base and grew up with other air force brats. From time to time, we would leave the air force base, venturing into Minot or "downtown" as we called it. As we got closer to town, the vibe would change. It was obvious there was a difference between people from the air force base and people from Minot. That's why they called people "basers." It was something I still don't understand. I just place myself on a pedestal above those fucks and do my thing but I digress...You knew you were not a part of whatever kind of society Minot happens to be. (Personally, I think Minot is full of backwards thinking idiots that don't want things to change....fuck it.) As if being a "baser" wasn't different enough, I  also happen to be half native american and half black, a halfling, a mulatto, mixed child, whatever the fuck you want it to be. However, to most people in Minot, I was just black and nothing else and probably a few other things when I wasn't around. A number of my friends had no idea I was a nice, chocolately, blend of ethnicites. They would tell me "I just assumed you were full black," it's the same answer every time. Guarantee someone reading this right now is just finding this information out. But I digress...I never endured much direct racism. Most people just had a prejudgment of who I already was and I knew it. I was probably just some black dude that smokes weed and steals and all that shit and listens to hip hop and is going to steal their white daughter. A few of those are true but still....I definitely didn't give a shit what people thought of me. It's moments like this, I remember exactly who the lady was at Scheel's sporting goods and how she would follow me around, every fucking time, just waiting for me to swipe something. Had my friend never pointed it out to me, I never would have noticed it because I don't care about it so much but this lady chose to view me as a criminal immediately and that's understandable. Maybe I looked like someone from past experiences that stole from the store. I can imagine she gave herself a pat on the back for preventing another theft, the dumb bitch...But I digress...I don't care for skin color at all. I don't give a fuck what you look like. You fuck up. I fuck up. You hurt. I hurt. You feel. I feel. The color of my skin doesn't change that fact, nor does the color of anyone else's. That has always been my approach.

What is unfortunate, however, is that there is not very many people who view it this way and knowingly do so, which is fine. Everybody has their prejudices and personal opinions. It's human nature, it's just how we associate things. It's easy to look at me eating a piece of chicken and think "Typical..." because that's just the question to anyone out there though...who the fuck does not like chicken? I now know what Dave Chappelle means. If you don't like chicken there IS something wrong with you BUT I DIGRESS. The main point of this article is to deliver a change in my personal thought process. Let me explain how I discovered my thought process has been redirected: One day, as I was gathering my things to hop on the bus, my normal routine involves making sure I have what I need and to NEVER forget my iPad and headphones. My headphones are of a pretty nice model, I spent a nice amount on them. As I was making the move for the door, I happened to notice it was raining outside and decided if I was going to be wearing my headphones, I better put on a sweater. I proceed to my bedroom and looked amongst the various sorts of sweaters I had. I reached for my black sweater and thought "Can I wear a black sweater with my hood up without someone thinking I'm up to something?" Marinate on that for a moment. I'm not the type of person that looks at those kind of things. But as someone who observes from an outside perspective, I saw myself, a black man wearing a black hoodie with the hood up. I ended up wearing it, but the fact that the thought even crossed my mind freaks me out. Makes me wonder what other kind of bullshit I'm being led to believe...OH WELL. What do I know, I'm just a pot smoking, rapper after all.

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